Thursday, January 8, 2015

New place

Sorry for the late post.

A month ago I moved into my new apartment. It is a apartment building specifically for foreign researchers. The city I live in, Tsukuba, has many research organizations. So far it seems like most people in the building work at NIMS, the National Institute for Materials Science. Since it is designed for foreigners so it isn't a traditional japanese apartment as it doesn't have tatami, but still many things you wouldn't see in an apartment outside of Japan. Here is a video tour of my place (filmed 2 weeks ago, sorry)

The place is not as close to the station as I had initally thought. So my commute starts with a 20 minute walk to Tsukuba station where I pick up a bus to get to work. I have missed the bus I want approximately 80% of the time so far increasing my commute by 30 minutes. Oops. At first this bothered me until I realized my walk to Tsukuba Station is about the same distance as my commute commute to CMU. However before I had the option of taking the bus instead of walking.

More posts soon. I promise.